Andorid sync and encryption

Hi, i using Joplin on Linux, Windows, iOS and Android.

because of Issues with encrypted notes i decided to deaktivat encryption. Now, after a while of usage Joplin i have encrypted and unencrypted Data in the Database.
The Android App is not longer decrypting Notes and i cant export to an jex-File, because my Linux-Desktop-App tells, there are undecrypted Files.
How can i clean up this mess?
I have still the encryption-keys in desktop app, i also have passwords, but decryption is not working.

Joplin for Desktop

Copyright © 2016-2020 Laurent Cozic
Joplin 1.0.245 (prod, linux)

Client-ID: 89886027483943b5b01e9314c7b3ca0f
Sync-Version: 2
Profil-Version: 33
Unterstützter Schlüsselbund: Nein

Revision: 2aa7eaa (master)

Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS

I believe this is possible to fix by having all encryption keys on your main desktop PC, export everything as RAW, delete all apps and data everywhere and setup again without encryption starting with importing RAW folder in your main PC.

As I understood RAW export does not contain encrypted data. As well as any other export, but I believe the RAW export would be better for cleaning errors.

Hi tnwn, thanks for your help. My solution to get rid of encrypted files and the encryption keys:

  1. deactivate encryption
  2. on my desktop, set client to sync all attachments (if not, you may get an error while exporting to RAW)
  3. make a complete sync
  4. Export all notes via RAW
  5. delete all clients at mobile devices
  6. delete all notes on my desktop app
  7. moved the files on my nextcloud-sync-destination to a backup-folder
  8. now i started new, with an import from the RAW-Export Files
  9. after that, i setup my nextcloud sync again
  10. if sync from desktop was complete it was time to setup the mobile devices

Have fun again with joplin!