An alternative web clipper for Joplin



chrome store version is padding review,So we can’t install from chrome store.

That’s nice. What are the pros and cons compared to the official web clipper?

I think there are no cons.


  • WYSIWYG Editor
  • install plugin
  • support onenote,notion,github.

ANd how do you run this resp. install it?

If it’s that good, it would make sense to stop developing the Joplin web clipper and just recommend this one. Anyone using it regularly and aware of any issue?

Attention Laurent. Il s’agit sauf erreur de ma part d’un fil de discussion ouvert par l’éditeur lui-même. Tu penses bien que cette application n’a donc que des avantages et aucun inconvénients comme il le prétend…
Il propose une version gratuite de son web clipper mais limitée dans ses fonctions et une version payante pour accéder à l’ensemble des fonctions… De plus, la création d’un compte est obligatoire pour utiliser cette extension et ce même pour la version basic… On est loin de l’esprit de Joplin et cette extension n’a pas vocation à remplacer la tienne selon moi… !!!
J’ai installé… et désinstallé aussi vite et je reste sur l’extension officielle Joplin.
Bien sûr, corrigez-moi si j’ai mal compris,


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Merci d’avoir vérifié Olivier. Dans ce cas effectivement ça ne remplace pas du tout le clipper officiel, surtout si c’est à moitié payant et qu’il faut un compte obligatoire ! Je laisse le post car après tout ça pourrait intéresser certains quand même.

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Because there are some functions such as ocr, sending mail depends on the server, I cannot afford these costs, so I charge.
All other features that do not require a server are open source and free.
If necessary, you can fork.

I think you are mistaken. Bind account refers to setting up a joplin account.
This plugin is 100% open source and does not require a server to run.
Except for ocr, sending emails and other functions that require a server do not require membership or registration at all.
My mother tongue is Chinese, so some translations of the plugin may not be accurate.

I completely understand and I agree with you. If some functions need a server you need as well to be paid. That’s fair and that’s why we give some money for Joplin as it costs because of Apple store for instance. Nevertheless why is it necessary to create an account ?

Thank you, Olivier

no account is required.
Account means joplin account.The token of joplin client.

I took a gif。

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How to use web clipper.

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this is latest version of web clipper.

I think this plugin can replace the current web clipper of joplin.
If in doubt, I can make changes.

Such as add a configuration to remove all payment functions and account system.

I uploaded this plugin below,

OK, thank you for your explainations. I understood account is Joplin accound. I missed it.


It looks like this assumes localhost and the default port for the web clipper service. Any way to make this configurable?

Otherwise looks pretty cool from what I can tell.

Thanks for clarifying @DiamondYuan, I’ll give it a try.

I would expect it doesn’t have all the features we need, in particular there are lots of tweaks in the official clipper to handle images, code blocks and tables, but I’ll give it a try and see if there’s a way to merge our two efforts.

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Any privacy implications of using this one? For instance any embedded trackers, analytics, sharing data with 3rd party etc?