Add a popup to display the full path of the notebook

I'd like to request a feature. Since notebook names in notes can be duplicated, it would be great if a popup displayed the full path when hovering over the button.


I 100% agree with the main idea of adding a full path to the notebook name, especially if the notebooks (folders) in the path are clickable and perform a Go To. In my case I have hundreds of "folder" notebooks that can be up to 4 deep, which makes it difficult to locate where a particular note is located.

As an example, I searched for Thunderbird, and got this:

In: Messaging

One of the others is
In: Clients
and also In: Linux

Maybe the path name could be a series of buttons, similar to the current blue "In: NotebookName", where each button would one of the notebooks in the path, and be clickable. But for the simplest implementation just the full path being clickable, would suffice.

I see that others have desired seeing full path names in various ways.


Following on from my previous post, here is a snippet of the comprehensive notebook hierarchy that I have which makes locating a notebook from the search results problematic.