I am brand new to this and want to stop using iCloud and Apple Notes. I really like the idea of Joplin and want to use it for my new dedicated note app on my MacBook and iPhone. These are the only two devices I need it to sync between, and would ideally like to use a encrypted local backup only, but wirelessly. I don’t want to have to plug my phone into my Mac every time to sync them, but I don’t want to use Dropbox or anything like that that I don’t personally own.
How can I do this? WebDav? Can anyone post a very easy to follow guide for this? Or is there some other way? I would sincerely appreciate any help.
If you synchronize different devices the data has to be located on a server that is accessible from everywhere in the world. Sooner or later you will install Joplin on a tablet too. And you want to find the most recent version of all notes on all devices without having to worry about manual synchronization.
If you encrypt the data and regularly make backups, there isn't a big problem with Dropbox or OneDrive because Joplin allows you to move to another service whenever you want.