2024-09-23 - 13 new ‘conflicts in attachment’ after moving a folder with content

Operating system


Joplin version


Desktop version info

Joplin 3.0.15 (prod, win32)

Client-ID: ...
Sync-Version: 3
Profil-Version: 47
Unterstützter Schlüsselbund: Ja

Revision: 598677b

Backup: 1.4.2
Conflict Resolution: 1.2.3
Diff view: 0.1.0
Joplin debug tool: 0.2.0

Sync target

Joplin Cloud

What issue do you have?

forked from 2024-04-29 - Problems synchronising with the Android app and the Joplin Cloud - #66 by Coffee

Using the Android App I moved a folder with 14 notes from a personal area to a folder that I shared with another user using Joplin Cloud. It is very likely that this action caused 13 new ‘attachment conflicts’ for me. Samples show that the conflicts are screenshots used in these 14 notes. At the time, the moved notes still looked fine – the screenshots in the moved notes looked as they should.

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I've created an issue here, please confirm if it's correct:

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Perhaps add label "android"
Share some notes between two or more accounts
create a folder outside of the share
create 14 notes in folder outside the share, 13 with attached images
use Android App to move the folder as subfolder to the share
=> 13 conflicts get created for these 13 images

I used the Android App's "BEARBEITEN" - feature for folders ...
Screenshot 2024-09-24 133056

... and used the "Eltern-Notizbuch auswählen" feature to change the parent folder
Screenshot 2024-09-24 132609

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