2024-06-14 - A closer look at a new conflict

Operating system


Joplin version


Desktop version info

Joplin 2.14.22 (prod, win32)

Client-ID: c5213521ab8148f6a62f5f728496c793
Sync-Version: 3
Profil-Version: 46
Unterstützter Schlüsselbund: Ja

Revision: e579eb9

Backup: 1.4.1
Conflict Resolution: 1.2.3

Sync target

Joplin Cloud

What issue do you have?

This is forked from 2024-04-29 - Problems synchronising with the Android app and the Joplin Cloud - #25 by Coffee

At around 5 p.m., I created a new note using the Windows app and inserted two screenshots and a Markdown link one after the other.

At around 6:30 p.m. I found a
Konflikt beim Anhang: „Screenshot_20240614_171005_Firefox.jpg“
in my Android app and later also in my Windows app.

At that point in time, the note in the Windows app still looked as it had been created and as desired.
In the Android app, the hourglass symbols were already shown for the two screenshots.

The analysis revealed the following details

Win: [Pistorius](:/6ee09dd8b2e840268fb74e7224ba033f)
And: [Pistorius](:/6ee09dd8b2e840268fb74e7224ba033f)

Picture 1:
Win 18:45: ![69c27e47-2bfa-4c7c-b441-1f472b411f19_w488_r0.7142_fpx55_fpy40.7.webp](:/149fbe2a893e4056a66d956387f7706f)
And: ![69c27e47-2bfa-4c7c-b441-1f472b411f19_w488_r0.7142_fpx55_fpy40.7.webp](:/a974f1c050dc443d88546e993af940c9)
Win 19:15 : ![69c27e47-2bfa-4c7c-b441-1f472b411f19_w488_r0.7142_fpx55_fpy40.7.webp](:/a974f1c050dc443d88546e993af940c9)

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The first screenshot looked as expected on Windows with


was changed to


on Android and displayed with the hourglass icon

and - helas - synced back to the note in Windows with


as well, and is also represented by the hourglass.

Actually, both the Win note and the Android note are broken and show hourglasses instead of screenshots.

Edit 1:
I've now installed the Joplin debug tool. Here is the Windows representation of the actual broken note.

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Why is that, and who can do what exactly to solve this conflict so that the note looks the way it should in both applications?

Thank you for looking into this!

More information that could be helpful:

  • What happens if you click the "..." to the right of resources? (This should show the list of resources Joplin thinks is associated with the note).

  • If there's nothing in that list, try switching to the markdown editor, copying the ID of the "downloading" resource, and pasting it into the note info plugin (if you would like help with this, please let me know!). This could help determine whether 1) the resource's metadata is present locally or if 2) the resource is completely missing.

  • Edit: Something else that could be helpful to know: Does replacing a974f1c050dc443d88546e993af940c9 with 149fbe2a893e4056a66d956387f7706f in the markdown editor show the resource (or still show a "downloading" icon)?

Edit 2: Updated formatting.

Interesting... Does navigating to 149fbe2a893e4056a66d956387f7706f with the note info plugin return anything? Does navigating to a974f1c050dc443d88546e993af940c9?

Internally, the Rich Text Editor converts from markdown to HTML, then back to markdown. I wonder if this could be related?

"..." shows nothing - it just disappears when I click on it
Screenshot 2024-06-17 213818

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Screenshot 2024-06-17 214627

Windows Mardown at 2024-06-17 - 21:52:


Boris Ludwig Pistorius (* 14. März 1960 in Osnabrück) ist ein deutscher Politiker (SPD). Er ist seit dem 19. Januar 2023 Bundesminister der Verteidigung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. 


2024-06-14 - [SPD-Frust über Olaf Scholz: Der Drinnenolaf und der Draußenscholz - DER SPIEGEL](:/024ab1bab9e34f1fb22d19cf5b1dd1a9)

No more ID


today. Either I was wrong last time, or we have a moving target.

Wait a moment ...
2024-06-14 - I wrote:

Picture 1:
Win 18:45: ![69c27e47-2bfa-4c7c-b441-1f472b411f19_w488_r0.7142_fpx55_fpy40.7.webp](:/149fbe2a893e4056a66d956387f7706f)
And: ![69c27e47-2bfa-4c7c-b441-1f472b411f19_w488_r0.7142_fpx55_fpy40.7.webp](:/a974f1c050dc443d88546e993af940c9)
Win 19:15 : ![69c27e47-2bfa-4c7c-b441-1f472b411f19_w488_r0.7142_fpx55_fpy40.7.webp](:/a974f1c050dc443d88546e993af940c9)

2024-06-15 - I deletet my related Android Profile and synced in a new one.

Android Markdown at 2024-06-17 - 22:30


Boris Ludwig Pistorius (* 14. März 1960 in Osnabrück) ist ein deutscher Politiker (SPD). Er ist seit dem 19. Januar 2023 Bundesminister der Verteidigung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. 


2024-06-14 - [SPD-Frust über Olaf Scholz: Der Drinnenolaf und der Draußenscholz - DER SPIEGEL](:/024ab1bab9e34f1fb22d19cf5b1dd1a9)

Hence your request

could be translated to


Yes, it does show the resource.

Hope this helps

NOW the "..." shows the resource

Screenshot 2024-06-17 222247

When I click on that resource I get


When I click on the "..." after "notes" I get the ID of the note and I get the details of the note.

I guess "..." is a very good thing in your plugin :wink:

Android Markdown at 2024-06-17 - 22:37


2024-06-17 - 22:10 - I manually changed the content as described at https://discourse.joplinapp.org/t/2024-06-14-a-closer-look-at-a-new-conflict/38600/13?u=coffee

Boris Ludwig Pistorius (* 14. März 1960 in Osnabrück) ist ein deutscher Politiker (SPD). Er ist seit dem 19. Januar 2023 Bundesminister der Verteidigung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. 


2024-06-14 - [SPD-Frust über Olaf Scholz: Der Drinnenolaf und der Draußenscholz - DER SPIEGEL](:/024ab1bab9e34f1fb22d19cf5b1dd1a9)

After this manual change of this ID the Windows Markup 2024-06-17 - 22:40 is


2024-06-17 - 22:10 - I manually changed the content as described at https://discourse.joplinapp.org/t/2024-06-14-a-closer-look-at-a-new-conflict/38600/13?u=coffee

Boris Ludwig Pistorius (* 14. März 1960 in Osnabrück) ist ein deutscher Politiker (SPD). Er ist seit dem 19. Januar 2023 Bundesminister der Verteidigung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. 


2024-06-14 - [SPD-Frust über Olaf Scholz: Der Drinnenolaf und der Draußenscholz - DER SPIEGEL](:/024ab1bab9e34f1fb22d19cf5b1dd1a9)