Where can I get to see the list of Wachting that I followed

Hi there,

Is there a forum UI designed that a user can check out the list of "Watching" of forum topics?

There is but it is well hidden!!

Under Preferences / Tracking you will see


Press the "Show" button and it will list them.

I did not actually know this. I did an Internet search which found this post on the Discourse forum...

If you want to find out more about how to use Discourse it may be worth having a look through the posts over there as well.


Hi there, thank you for your shared info. I clicked on the Like button and checked the Solution box of this thread as soon as I got your message, but I did not say a word, there is a reason, I want to make sure how this part of UI works. And I just looked around about this part of UI just now, it seems to me there is no other easier way for this, which is a pity.

Watched Topic is important for any member of any online forum system, I think the philosophy of design of Discourse forum is something else, I had experiences of other forum app, such as phpBB. A forum member reaching his/her watched subject should be a piece of cake, Discourse make it something really unpleasant. I am making this reply mostly because I need to get my words out. Thank you again.

This forum is using a hosted Discourse instance so if there are any comments to be made to the usability of it then it should be brought up on their forum, probably in the UX category - ux - Discourse Meta

I am discussing about "how it (this forum) works" according to the attached-screenshot introduction of this forum category, aren't I?

Yes, I'm not saying you are wrong to post it here but this kind of stuff isn't in our control - for example we can mess with the theme, some plugins, categories etc. but this stuff is all done upstream and if you wish to see any changes to it then your comments need to be directed there.

Nop, I did not and am not wishing to see any changes to it(Discourse the app) from where I am, that kind of wish belongs to someone who has correspondent resources (time, admin knowledge of Discourse the app...) that I don't have. I am just expressing my opinion and I quote what I said in my earlier reply "I am making this reply mostly because I need to get my words out.". But thanks for your advice anyway, I will be more than happy to engage such kind of issue once things change.