What is this new icon in the notes list?


Can anybody shed some light on what that icon means? There's no help text tooltip when you hover over the icon on Windows desktop.

It means you have that note open in an external editor. If you press the external editing button again it will go away

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Ah, thank you. But press what button? When I press the icon, nothing happens and the icon is still there.

The one in the picture that says "stop". That icon is the external editing button. It is on the note toolbar.


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Got it! Thank you so much. I didn't even know you could do that. I guess I invoked an external editor accidentally. Very interesting!

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Hmm. I'm getting tofu:

Tried making mapo tofu with it? I'm guessing you have a font override somewhere in your CSS which means you aren't getting the original font icon.

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Oh, I do. That's right. Thanks.

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