What is this "Looks good!" thing that pops up?

I am new to Joplin as of this morning.
I am trying Joplin 1.0.175 on Windows.

I attempt to access the Edit menu by pressing Alt + E, and instead of opening the menu, I see this pop up in the editor, below the caret:

It looks like some sort of validator, but I can’t find any reference to it here in the forums or in the Github repo.

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Well, I think I found the answer in the Ace Editor source code.
When using the editor for writing code, this would show syntax errors.

The message is defined here: https://github.com/ajaxorg/ace/blob/9b5b63d1dc7c1b81b58d30c87d14b5905d030ca5/lib/ace/ext/error_marker.js#L122

And the key bindings are set here: https://github.com/ajaxorg/ace/blob/c8b002766964dd0f61c402e3498d6c111fa5afea/lib/ace/commands/default_commands.js#L56-L75

Maybe in a couple of weeks I can try to get Joplin building locally and see if I can configure the editor to exclude that command and/or keybinding. But… I am not a JS dev and if anyone else thinks that is an easy fix in the meantime, it would not be stepping on my toes for someone else to fix this.

The code is in ElectronClient/app/gui/NoteText.jsx, but we only have overrides for ctrl and cmd, not for alt.

@laurent have you seen this behavior on Windows? It’s strange that this hasn’t been reported before.

I’ve never seen that either

I've seen it, but didn't bother doing anything about it, since it didn't mess with my notes. Been there for a long time though, it's not new. :smiley: