Webclipper for Brave?

Hi Folks !
As I try hard to avoid Google account in my daily uses, I’d like to use Joplin webclipper to Brave, which I use to replace Chrome (it’s a raw chrome version, without Google stuff; It seemed better than Chromium, as it included built-in protections - as ad-blockers);[^1] but the Wepclipper seems to be installed only through the Chrome Web Store, which need a Google account to work; though, even with a signed in google account, it’s not possible to install the web clipper to Brave.
Is there a solution ? I need it to deploy Joplin as a class tool, without giving class data to Google by force.

[^1]: as I teach courses about web, I have to show several browsers to my students, but I’d like to not send their datas by principle, reason why I mainly use Firefox, but need to use some Chrome based browser

I guess I could automatically build a separate extension file that would be downloadable from GitHub. What kind of extension file does Brave support? Is it .crx?

Thanks for your answer. Miraculously, the very last version of Brave is now fully compatible with Chrome extension without connexion to a Google account. No need to worry about that anymore, Joplin web clipper is now installed !

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