Web-Clipper port mismatch

When I try to use Web-Clipper on Chrome my Ubuntu-Desktop I see a port mismatch.
While the Joplin-app uses port 27583, the clipper uses 41148.
I saw similar messages in this forum but did not see a way to fix it.

I installed Joplin from source on Ubuntu 18.04 as there is no ARM64-version available.

Thanks for your help!

You’re running a dev version of the desktop app with a prod version of the clipper, so it can’t work.

Where can I find a dev-version of the clipper?

what is the fix to this? how do i run the clipper on dev-version? i've enabled developer mode in the extension settings of web clipper, yet I get an error popup.

the developer mode is on (see top-right)

You need to load the extension from the files on your disk. There's an option for his in chrome

okay thank you! maybe mentioning how to run the extension in dev mode in the clipper.md file can help others like me who get stuck with this. can I add this bit in https://github.com/laurent22/joplin/blob/dev/readme/clipper.md ?

It's already in BUILD.md: https://github.com/laurent22/joplin/blob/dev/BUILD.md#building-the-clipper

i meant the specific step of unpacking and loading the folder containing manifest.json (/app-clipper) from chrome://extensions.
some may get confused with installing the prod version of the clipper from the webstore, and then toggling the developer mode 'on' for that prod version which won't work.

This came up before - we only provide a link to the official Chrome/Firefox pages because that's where the most accurate and detailed information will be.

oh okay, makes sense. thank you!