Type:todo search doesn't work on mobile

Operating system


Joplin version


What issue do you have?

Filtering for all todos isn't working for me on mobile, which is unfortunate since I also don't have access to the agenda plugin there, so there isn't a way to see all tasks in one place.
It seems to return every note in the current sorting order, so not doing any kind of filtering; I had to scroll down quite a bit to find a todo for the screenshot.
The first screenshot is from my desktop doing the expected behaviour (though it would be nice if there was a way for completed todos to be sorted to the bottom of the list) and the second screenshot is from my phone.


I think it works but in the first screenshot you have enabled the option to show completed to-dos while in the second they are hidden. You can show them by clicking on the filtering button in the top right corner

No, I saw that option but the issue is that on mobile all the notes I blocked out aren't todos at all. So not completed or uncompleted todos just normal notes, so they should be in the list.
I also have the option of having uncompleted todos on top ticked in both versions but it doesn't seem to be making any difference

Ok i think that's because I'm on 2.13, and it's been fixed recently. So the next release in about two weeks should fix it for you too

Oh, that's great!

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