Trouble with Linux joplin-desktop snap and smb sync

Operating system


Joplin version


Desktop version info

Joplin 2.13.15 (prod, linux)

Client ID: e8ae015955034667b3770ef275c5b0a0
Sync Version: 3
Profile Version: 44
Keychain Supported: No

Revision: 7d2c1c08e

Sync target

File system

What issue do you have?

When setting sync target for my smb file system, this joplin client never talks to the smb server, as evident by the wireshark capture (communication with the smb server is non-existent), but the sync status panel of the joplin client says that it successfully synchronized the files. But for sure it did not synchronize, the files were not placed on the smb server share The Widows version of the joplin client works great, but this linux version is broken. I have tried multiple file links for the client to communicate with my smb server, without success, here are the examples:

smb://workgroup;user:pswd@     <<< relative path
smb://workgroup;user:pswd@    <<< absolute path
smb://user:pswd@     <<< relative path
smb://user:pswd@    <<< absolute path
//workgroup;user:pswd@     <<< relative path
//workgroup;user:pswd@    <<< absolute path
//user:pswd@     <<< relative path
//user:pswd@    <<< absolute path

Nothing works, even though the client messages that it successfully synced, it simply does not send any smb packets to my server - proof from the wireshark trace and the lack of files on my smb share. Sometimes the client will create a directory, by the name of the ip address of the smb server "192.1268.0.45," in my linux home directory, but it too is empty.

Help would be appreciated, I like joplin as a replacement for my OneNote, but syncing is a must because I work over several computers, windows and linux. The linux distribution that I'm using with this joplin client is Ubuntu desktop 22.04. Also the joplin client is installed via snap.


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