Templates - how to use?

Dear Team, first of all, thanks for the great work on Joplin
Hope it’s the right place to ask: is there a way to have a template applied by default on any new note ? As far as I understand, it’s only on a case by case basis by clicking on “create a note based on a template”.

Hiya, and welcome.
As far as I know, there is currently no way to do that.
The quickest way (on Windows) seems to be to ctrl + alt + i in a note, then selecting the template.

Thanks for your answer. Is there a place to suggest the idea down on the roadmap ? Here, or on github ? (not too familiar with this)

Feature suggestions go here, first. Best make a new topic, though.

On OS X, I simply did:

mv templates templates-orig
ln -s ~/Dropbox/Settings/Joplin/templates .

Where Settings/Joplin/templates is a folder I created beforehand. This way you get “free” syncing of templates.


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Just to confirm, does exporting to JEX also include templates?


lol that's exactly what I ended up doing. Great minds... :wink:

:thought_balloon::brain: :raised_hands:t2: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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This thread is still occasionally linked to from other posts. This thread is discussing the original template implementation in Joplin.

Joplin version 2.2.5 and above have had this template feature removed and the functionality has been replaced by a template plugin. To install the template plugin, open Joplin, go to Tools > Options > Plugins and search for Templates