Templates - how to use?

Dear Windows users,

Closing a window does not mean exiting the app. Especially when there is a status bar (tray) icon that represents the main process.
The status bar and its icons are those in the area where the operating system tells you that it is safe to remove a USB drive or an external disk. Or where your virus scanner status icon lives. Joplin can’t be the only app that resides there.

Maybe we should add an entry to the FAQ, because it’s apparently a hard concept to grasp for people who use Windows. This is not meant to be condescending, but something I have noticed by reading dozens of such posts in this forum.

I really would like to get some input on how we can improve the documentation. I’m not trying to be difficult. I just do not know. The last time I saw Windows on one of my computers was when it was still running as a UI for DOS, which I very soon removed again, because it didn’t like DR-DOS too much.

Anyway, please let us know how we can clarify the statement: Joplin must be restarted for changes to take effect. Shall we change it to:
Joplin must be restarted (right-click the tray icon (status item) and click on quit, then start the app again) for changes to take effect.