Hi, are exist current works on implementing templates plugin for mobile version? I think this could be very useful. If nobody interested in it I could try my own, I never have experience with mobile technology stack but I'm frontend dev professionally (js, react). If some experienced coder could guide me and provide materials to learn I could try creating this plugin on mobile version.
Hi @jakubkloc, incidentally I started yesterday a branch based on the original plugin repo, to try and adapt the plugin to mobile. You are welcome to have a look and contribute. I created a release that you can install on mobile. It supports existing templates from desktop, and introduces a button for creating a new note from a template on the editor toolbar, and in the 3-dot note menu / toolbar. Will be happy to get feedback.
Thanks so much for doing this! It's so nice to play with all the features I've been waiting for!
One small idea: putting the "new note from template" button under the three dots menu in a note is a bit inconvenient (and from some playing around, occasionally creates empty notes), maybe you could create a panel view and put all the buttons in there as basically a hacky way to add buttons to the toolbar like on desktop?
Cool stuff @shikuz! Looking forward to see the mobile version of the plugin.
I agree, it would be great to have the commands in a panel. Especially since there are a few of them and having that many under the three dot menu (in addition to other plugins) may be too much on mobile. If they do end up there, I would suggest being able to add and remove the ones you want from the menu, so it isn't cluttered with commands someone may not use.