Dear Team
I have sync issues with encrypted notes
My sync settings are as follows:
- Webdav share (provided by nextcloud) mapped directly into windows explorer (this is the only possible way to access my webdav due to a corporate proxy which blocks unknown user agents).
- Joplin is configured to sync with this drive (Syncoption: Filesystem - set to W:\joplin).
This setup works flawlessly until I encrypt my notes. Then the following error occurs:
Console Error:
Updated remote items: 8.
Completed: 29/01/2021 13:33
13:33:43: Error: Error: Error: EISDIR: illegal operation on a directory, readlink 'W:\Joplin.resource\216ceb2e5fb44b59b700fdaa94213ee7'. Path: C:/Users/ch00ois/.config/joplin-desktop/resources/216ceb2e5fb44b59b700fdaa94213ee7.crypted. Path: W:\Joplin/.resource/216ceb2e5fb44b59b700fdaa94213ee7
at FileApiDriverLocal.fsErrorToJsError_ (C:\Program Files\Jop…-driver-local.js:20)
at FileApiDriverLocal.put (C:\Program Files\Jop…driver-local.js:152)
at async tryAndRepeat (C:\Program Files\Jop…\lib\file-api.js:40)
Where 216ceb2e5fb44b59b700fdaa94213ee7(.png) is one of the images in the default "welcome to Joplin" note. This error is also reproducible with fresh installations.
When i try the sync with another path in the filesystem (outside webdav), the sync works fine - also when it's encrypted.
Any Ideas? I am grateful for any help
Version: Joplin 1.6.8 (prod, win32)
Client ID: 44fa6142dd4a422b95538038f6887cf2
Sync Version: 2
Profile Version: 34
Keychain Supported: Yes
Revision: fc7bd41c1 (master)
Client OS: Windows 10 (1809, up to date patchlevel)