Sync fails with SyntaxError: Unterminated string in JSON at position 2048

Operating system


Joplin version


Desktop version info

Joplin 2.13.15 (prod, linux)

Client ID: ead4c5d9da7f43afaa7509ae7e8fc0b5
Sync Version: 3
Profile Version: 44
Keychain Supported: No

Revision: 7d2c1c0

Backup: 1.4.1
Math Mode: 0.6.2
Note Tabs: 1.4.0
Rich Markdown: 0.15.0
Table Formatter Plugin: 1.2.1

Sync target

File system

What issue do you have?

Sync stopped working after I moved some notes around.
Enabled debug logging but none the wiser.
Any assistance will be greatly appreciated.

Log file

log.txt (104 KB)

Based on the stacktrace, the error seems to be coming from a corrupted info.json file in the sync folder.

For reference, I'm including full error (with stack trace) below:

SyntaxError: Unterminated string in JSON at position 2048
    at JSON.parse (<anonymous>)
    at /tmp/.mount_JoplinG1asF7/resources/app.asar/node_modules/@joplin/lib/services/synchronizer/syncInfoUtils.js:61:27
    at (<anonymous>)
    at fulfilled (/tmp/.mount_JoplinG1asF7/resources/app.asar/node_modules/@joplin/lib/services/synchronizer/syncInfoUtils.js:5:58)"

Thank you!

I was able to restore the file using a previous version.
Not sure if that was the correct way, but sync running again.

For others and probably myself in future, the debug log does not show the problem file together with every occurrence of the "Unterminated string in JSON at position x" error.

Keep searching the file until you get the problem filename.

FileApi: "get /home/..../Documents/joplin/info.json"