Sync error at ios

  • The version you are using. LATEST VERSION is not a version number!

ios version 10.0.50

  • The operating system you are using.


sync blocked with the error below:

Items that cannot be synchronised
These items will remain on the device but will not be uploaded to the sync target. In order to find these items, either search for the title or the ID (which is displayed in brackets above). 3258c4cf2a6fe180f5cdbf4bc (OOadObc7e98644dc83e978e6ad20305d) could not be uploaded: File not found: /var/mobile/ Containers/Data/Application/ CB81DF54-7E32-4258-9491-F2676C3DA84F/ Documents/ OOadObc7e98644dc83e978e6ad20305d.configjo

I tried to delete joplin from iphone, and reinstalled , the sync still blocked here. This error maybe related to multi key.
Thank you for any support.

Apparently you have files missing on your phone.

What is your sync target? (Nextcloud, WebDAV, OneDrive, Dropbox...)

I'm guessing that @gorf has just left the default prompts in place on the support forum post.

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It seems correct after reinstall.