I'm new to Joplin and hope it will be my all time favourite note-taking app soon. I'm also new to markdown, my question might give that away anyway.
I'm using Joplin 1.7.11 and intend to mainly use the Markdown editor.
Yet, I switch from the markdown editor to the WYSIWYG view from time to time, for example to view pictures I've included in markdown.
There's 1 bigger thing that disturbs me and one minor one, and I hope, you can help me.
The bigger thing is how the Markdown editor and the WYSIWYG editor handle line breaks, but also that the WYSIWYG alters my markdown document.
I'm used to structure my documents using a lot of line breaks, e.g. between paragraphs, but also between small text blocks, under headlines etc. Sure, i could adapt the CSS to add more space unde paragraphs or above Headlines or so - and I might do that - but i want to work with line breaks from time to time to be flexible.
This works fine in the Markdown editor by adding line breaks just pressing Enter, say 3 times. But the WYSIWYG editor doesn't render the additional line breaks, it shows 1 line breaks, but not 3. So document strucutre gets lost in this view.
Is there a way to make the WYSIWYG editor render additional line breaks? Or do I have to input the line break differently in the markdown editor?
I wouldn't really want to add "<.br/>" or "&.nbsp;" in my markdown notes, because it makes that one less readable..
What bothers me more about this is that if I have say 5 line breaks in markdown which help structure my note and I switch to WYSIWYG view, which doesn't show these anyway, and I switch back to markdown, they are gone for good also in markdown view, which really annoys me.
So switching to WYSIWYG and back to markdown, my line breaks are gone for good. What can I do about that?
Less bothering but similar behaviour:
I use to write bullet lines in markdown with an asterix, *, which I think is standard. If I switch to WYSIWYG and back to markdown, the bullets, formerly " * ", change to " - ". I don't really like that either, I thought * was standard for bullets? Is there a way to stick with * instead of - in Markup editor permanently?
Any comments and ideas?
Thank you!