Spelling Correction has changed

Operating system


Joplin version


Desktop version info

Joplin 3.2.12 (prod, win32) : Portable only

Client ID: 4c5001f692bb436f87e2f9f83e660b48
Sync Version: 3
Profile Version: 47
Keychain Supported: No

Revision: d6f1ca4

Auto show active note in sidebar: 1.0.1
Automatic Backlinks to note: 3.0.3
Backup: 1.4.2
Bidirectional Links: 0.2.0
Combine notes: 1.2.2
Convert Text To New Note: 1.5.1
Copy link to active note: 1.0.1
Home Note: 2.0.0
Hotfolder: 1.2.1
joplin-hotkey: 1.0.0
Note list and sidebar toggle buttons: 1.0.3
Note Tabs: 1.4.0
Outline: 1.5.14
Quick Links: 1.3.2
Save Note as MD: 1.0.2
Search & Replace: 2.2.0
Text Colorize: 1.2.5


Markdown Editor

What issue do you have?

Between the previous version, and the new, correction of misspelled words has a changed. Before, when I right-clicked the squiggled underlined word, the dialog would usually show options. The Options included words in the custom dictionary. I use Joplin as a story bible for writing fantasy. Many words are not English, and have accented characters. These words I saved in the Custom Dictionary. NOW, when I try to correct the misspelled word, the options no longer offer the word from the Custom Dictionary. I check the Dictionary, and the correct words are there (about 25 words). If I manually add the accented letter, the word is no longer recognized as misspelled.

I know that Search and Replace is an option, but my laptop has no keypad to use the Alt-keypad strokes for the accented letters. I am probably going to revert to a previous version until this problem can be resolved. Thanks

I was incorrect about when this changed. I reverted to version and the problem still exists. I use Joplin everyday and only in the last 2-3 days have I noticed the problem. Could this be related to Windows updates? I am seeking older versions of Joplin to test.

I found an older version: 3.0.15, which works. There are still a few words that fail, but as the base word is proper English, there is little I can do. One other word that worked before is still failing. Téocht which I type without the accented e brings up Téoctan (another related added word) but not the shorter word.

I suspect this is a microsoft issue, as the same problem is occurring in Word and OneNote.

I have the same problem. It's been happening for longer, though. I think this issue for me has to do with my using the premium Language tool and it not working at all. I haven't worked to figure that problem out though.