Sorting search results

Yes, but if we only sort by, let's say, ascending creation date, won't that be too restrictive? There's an equally valid case where users might want the notes to be sorted by descending creation date.

What do we do with created:2015 updated:2020 ?
Is creation date the sole factor for relevance or created and updated both or maybe just ordering by title is enough. Seems like the user doing the search would be more informed about how to go about this.

And sometimes people just want the notes sorted alphabetically by title (ignoring any complicated relevance algorithm)

Here's a popular post by @foxmask about ordering the search results.

Trilium allows sorting search results by note attributes.

It's possible to order the results by one or more attribute, e.g. @orderBy=year,-genre will order notes by year label in ascending order and then by genre label in descending order (because of - sign).

So does Evernote.