Sometimes i miss logic in markdown


Sometimes i miss logic in markdown and want to submit some changes:

  • makes a bullet list like •
    – makes no sub bullet list like ••


  • Milk
  • Rice
  • Eggs

• Milk
• Rice
• Eggs


  • grocery:
    – Milk
    – Rice
    – Eggs

doesn’t become:
• grocery:
• Milk
• Rice
• Eggs
(sub bullet list can be gray for example)

Thanks for this amazing app!

I see here that I can’t show what I mean because markdown is used.
And so, I can’t show the not already rendered markdown.

Maybe if I put like code:


- Milk
- Rice
- Eggs


• Milk
• Rice
• Eggs


- grocery:
-- Milk
-- Rice
-- Eggs

doesn’t become:

• grocery:
    • Milk
    • Rice
    • Eggs

(sub bullet list can be gray for example)

You don’t write sub-bulletes like that.

Do it like this and use tabs for the indentation:

- item 1
    - sub item 1.1
    - sub item 1.2
        - sub sub item 1.2.1

Thanks, but still I don’t find it logical.
And weird that I doesn’t have found this on the web?

You’ll probably need to explain what’s not logical though. Currently one space and one dash translates to one space and one dash. And you want no space and two dashes to translate to one space and one dash.

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I’m sorry to say, but I can’t understand this sentiment. It is logical. In IT indentation (this also means denoting levels) usually happens with tabs or or a defined number of spaces. This has been this way since the late 60s.
Also, I suggest to lookup the markdown specification, which clearly states how to create lists.

The thing that I don’t find logical is that in markdown all is about the ‘signs’ like; *, -, >.
Then suddenly you start to need to use ‘tabs/spaces’.
And also that:


gives a ‘tab/space’ automatic:

So with one - you get the ‘tab/space’ automatic, then for a sub list you have to make the '‘tab/space’ self and then put the -.

For me it’s not so logical, but don’t bother you have more important things to solve.

Yes, I know.
Already coding websites for many many years.
And I know the markdown specs: Daring Fireball: Markdown, maybe looked over the sub list specs.
But still we can try to improve it. :wink: