Set the folder for the server database - Docker installation

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Joplin Server v3.0.1 installed on a Docker Container

Sync target

Joplin Server

What issue do you have?

I run a Joplin server on a Raspberry following this guide: Joplin Server Documentation - #13 by joplin_user
It seems working very well and I connected many devices all syncronized.

My point is: how to dowload/export the full database for a backup? I need a clear procedure to be prepared in case of failures of something.
I read about setting a specific folder setting about store all the data but I got this:

$ sudo docker exec -it be7b5614eab5 node packages/server/dist/app.js storage import --connection 'Type=Filesystem; Path=/mnt/ssd1/Joplin-DB'
  throw err;

Error: Cannot find module '/home/joplin/packages/server/packages/server/dist/app.js'
    at Module._resolveFilename (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1140:15)
    at Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:981:27)
    at Function.executeUserEntryPoint [as runMain] (node:internal/modules/run_main:128:12)
    at node:internal/main/run_main_module:28:49 {
  requireStack: []

Node.js v18.20.4

What is the specific issue about? How to solve?
What do you suggest about?

I think it is good also to have only a periodic backup of the full database (including all the data) somewhere. To do that I thought to use the following commands:

pg_dump -U <joplin.db_user> --clean --no-owner --no-privileges -d <joplin.db_name> > db-dump.sql

and then to restore:

psql -U <joplin.new_db_user> -d template1 -c "DROP DATABASE <joplin.db_name>"
psql -U <joplin.new_db_user> -d template1 -c "CREATE DATABASE <joplin.db_name>"
psql -U <joplin.new_db_user> <joplin.db_name> < /tmp/db-dump.sql

The point is that I don't know how to find the db name and db user, and if the procedure effectively works, it is good or you suggest something better.
Anyway if you give a clear list of commands it will be very helpful.

I tried this command:

$ sudo docker exec -e PGPASSWORD=<password> <ID_container> pg_dump -U <id_user> <db_name> | gzip > /mnt/ssd1/Joplin-DB/backup_$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S).sql.gz

and it downloaded a big gz file. Is it only a DB without data, or it contains all the data? If I upload this on a new server, is it like having already all the data inside? How to upload this on an existing Joplin server database? How to extract from it only the data?

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