I would love to have the option to search with more granularity in Joplin. For example:
- The ability to search with the ‘whole word’ modifier. It would help with not returning so many false positives when searching.
- Also, the ability to search with the ‘match case’ modifier would be great.
- The ability to search with regex would be amazing. Would really allow you to find exactly what you where looking for.
- Others may have said this before, but the ability to toggle between globally searching, searching through specific notebooks/notes would be extremely helpful.
- This would go hand in hand with #4: only show tags that are in the current notebook. Would also allow for more easy searching.
- Allow multiple tag searches. So you could click on a tag, hold Ctrl, and select another tag. Then only notes that have both tags would return as results.
I would be interested in possibly helping develop these searching ideas, just let me know if these ideas aren’t too ambitious, and where I would need to start.