Search and auto-quote

Operating system


Joplin version


Desktop version info

Joplin 3.1.1 (prod, darwin)

Client ID: 0936eceabaa4460b9b06c4c96713dff5
Sync Version: 3
Profile Version: 47
Keychain Supported: Yes

Revision: a97c04c

Backup: 1.4.2
Search & Replace: 2.2.0
To Google Search: 1.0.0

Sync target

Joplin Cloud


Markdown Editor

What issue do you have?

I just installed 3.1.1 and have two issues with its operation:

  • "Find in page" doesn't work while the markdown editor is not open. Has it been moved someplace or removed? It is a feature that I use all the time, especially on longer pages. Needing to switch to the markdown view to search isn't the best because the whole point of the view mode is to read a page in the non-editable "presentation" format.

  • Auto-close-backtick no longer works in the markdown editor. I.e., when typing a `, the corresponding closing ` is not automatically added. Similarly, if I select a word or number of words is now replaced by a backtick rather than wrapped in backticks when the backtick is pressed.

Otherwise, the new markdown mode layout is an improvement, especially on the mobile devices where it now has a consistent look.

3.1.1 defaults to the beta Markdown editor, which currently has a Markdown editor-only Find panel.

If you require the old Find bar that works in both editor and viewer, click Tools > Options (Ctrl+Comma) > General > Show Advanced Settings > check Use the legacy Markdown editor.

I can reproduce both backtick issues.

Having the find feature in the presentation view is pretty important.. not having the find feature there makes the presentation view easily pointless, especially when viewing technical materials. Hopefully, these items will be addressed in a future version. Until then, the legacy markdown editor does the job.

I'm linking to a related pull request:

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