I'm having a lot of troubles with adding/changing/removing Keyboard Shortcuts in Settings -> Keyboard Shortcuts.
Setting a new shortcut on an action without a shortcut often is giving me warnings about an existing shortcut, but the existing shortcut it's warning me about it not remotely the same as the one I'm trying to set.
When I remove an existing shortcut, and leave it blank, after saving Joplin often gives me a warning about a conflicting shortcut even though I'm removing and not setting a new shortcut.
If I'm able to save after removing a shortcut, the shortcut is still in effect, and if I go back in to Settings -> Keyboard Shortcuts, the old shortcut has returned.
Using the search feature in Settings -> Keyboard Shortcuts works the first time, but after any of the scenarios above occur, if I go back to the app then back into Settings -> Keyboard Shortcuts, whatever search term I'm using only returns a fraction of the shortcuts it should. If I quit and restart the app then the shortcuts search function starts working again (until I try updating or removing an existing shortcut again).
Yes apparently so - no matter which shortcut I'm trying to set (I've tried many), I'm getting the same error about the same existing shortcut (first screenshot):
Accelerator "Ctrl+Shift+R" is used for "restoreText" and "itags.refreshNoteView" commands. This may lead to unexpected behaviour.
Because of this error I'm unable to save any shortcuts.
Also note that if I instead try to remove an existing shortcut and set it to Disabled/nothing/blank, I get the same error at the top of the screen an am unable to remove the shortcut (second screenshot). It appears to work but if you leave Settings and come back, or quit and restart the app, the removed shortcut is back.
Given this, I tried deleting the Ctrl+Shift+R shortcut the app is complaining about for "itags.refreshNoteView" which was successful and did allow me to then create and update other shortcuts, so this is good. But these questions remain:
Why is Joplin complaining about this one specific conflicting/duplicate shortcut and blocking me from creating/editing/removing other shortcuts? I turns out I had at least one other duplicate shortcut (Cmd+H which was set by both Joplin app and by a plugin) - but Joplin never complained about that one nor blocked me from editing other shortcuts.
If Joplin must block the user from editing shortcuts due to some other specific conflicting/duplicate shortcut, the error message should really be clearer and tell the user that editing shortcuts is blocked until they resolve the conflicting/duplicate shortcut.