Running Joplin Desktop for Linux on ChromeOS

Just in case there are any folks out there who are insterested, I have setup my small and portable Lenovo Chromebook Duet to run the full Joplin Desktop app. I can also run the Android version on this device, but why settle for that when I can get the full verson? :slight_smile:

I cannot run the AppImage version because the Duet uses an Arm processor, but the Flatpak version runs fine.

  1. Enable Linux on device.
  2. Enable Flatpak on ChromeOS: Flatpak—the future of application distribution
  3. Open the Linux terminal and install Joplin: Flathub—An app store and build service for Linux

Have fun!


Thank you! Excellent instructions.

It is even possible to run the Joplin Desktop and Android Apps in parallel.under Chrome OS.

I've been able to install it on my Chromebook, but when I open it up, all the icons are messed up in their display. They look like this:

All the graphics are segmented and it's hard to work in the app.

I've tried reinstalling and the same thing happens. Does anyone have a fix or have any idea what's going on?