Resources with Dropbox

I just installed 1.0.125 on MacOS 10.14.3. I noticed that the resources (aka jpg, png, gif, etc) are stored in two places, the first in ~/.config/joplin-desktop/resources/ with the original file extension and in ~/Dropbox/Apps/Joplin/.resource/ without the file extension. Why are they stored in two places? And why does the version in Dropbox not have the file extension?

Second question, since I am running Dropbox, why does Joplin not just use the Dropbox directory on my system to store all of its files, even the SQLite database files? It seems like that is what you would want. So that when you use another computer, everything would just work. I guess I could sym-link the directory over, but it seems like that should just be the default.

Another features I would like ask for is the ability to “see” the labels on the note, when it is opened. Having to open the mini-window to see them, is not ideal.

Thanks for creating this app. It is really nice.


What's in ~/.config/joplin-desktop/resources/ is your local copy. What's in Dropbox is remote and used for sync. Normally, that data is remote but in your case you also have the Dropbox sync client that sync the data back to your local computer. In general, you can exclude the Dropbox Joplin folder in your sync client since indeed it's redundant data.

Second question, since I am running Dropbox, why does Joplin not just use the Dropbox directory on my system to store all of its files, even the SQLite database files?

What would happen if you change something on your mobile phone, and then on your desktop? How will Dropbox know how to merge the changes in the SQLite database. What if there are conflicts? Dropbox doesn't know how to do that, which is why a custom solution is needed. How about E2EE? Dropbox also doesn't know about that.

There's an active pull request for this, but not completed yet.

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