Report Week 6 (11.07 - 18-07)


The UI is now a lot better and should make more sense then how it used to be.

  • Added a title and a subtitle to the dialog.
  • Added a move button to move the title from the source note to the target note just the like the note contents.
  • Failed attempts at fixing the dialog resizing issue.

Version 1.1 has been released with the above changes you can download it through Joplin as of now! :slight_smile:
Please do let me know your opinions!


Nothing blocking me from working but the resizing bug I can't do anything about it. A fix from Joplins side must be done first.

Plans for next week

  • Maybe work on the resizing bug, implementing a fix in Joplins code.
  • Work on adding the option to show a diff between any two notes.
  • More to be determined.

Any reason why you want to add this feature? I'm just wondering in which case a user would need this?

The priority will be fixing the dialog resize issue. However, after that's done, I'm practically out of ideas. I took a look on old posts and found this here: Conflict Resolution Plugin - #5 by JackGruber

I'm not entirely sure how useful would it be though, we did have a conversion about it there:

E: I JUST now remembered that adding a notification when a conflict happen was also in the plans. So that's next in line for sure! (I guess? What do you think ?)

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