Releasing a plugin: Large files uploaded to NPM and Joplin's Plugin Repository

Hi! I have one question!

I am currently using Transformers.js in a plugin! I downloaded and loaded a custom model (Google/flan-t5-base) in .onnx format to Transformers.js in a plugin that is over 200MB, making the dist folder a total of 360MB.

When I release the plugin, I want to ensure that the ONNX model is uploaded to the NPM and Joplin's Plugin repository. Will that work?

If the plugin cannot find the model, it will download it from the Internet and load it. But let's stay offline as much as possible.

There are smaller models that I can include in the plugin. They will have worse performance in terms of the quality of the summaries but are faster.

As long as it can be published to npm we will also process it.

But indeed dynamically downloading the model might be better given the size.

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