Quick way to record voice note on Android

Operating system


Joplin version


Sync target



Markdown Editor

What issue do you have?

I just want a quick way to record a note.
Just a shortcut on my home screen on Android, and then it will get uploaded to my inbox in Joplin.
At this moment, I use WhatsApp for this, but it would be nice for ideas for projects or thoughts in Joplin.
Happy to then transcribe when I am behind the PC, but if transcribing(is that the right word?) can be done, that would also be very cool.

Also if I need a different sync option, very happy to try.

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I suggest using Google Keep for this purpose and then transferring the voice/speech recognition to Joplin later. Google Keep has a widget

I usually treat Google Keep as a mood board to help brainstorm ideas and keep organized information in Joplin.

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Related: Joplin Voice-to-Note Solution (IOS/Android + Windows)

Yeah, a good option. I have a look.
I notice there's is also an API

Maybe a project to link the up is possible,

install any app from playstore.

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