Practical Use of Tags

Hi, all. I will include here some thoughts since I have played a bit with tags in Joplin.

  1. Tags should always be visible in Joplin (see this). However, in the center panel (note titles), I would suggest an extra line for tags, like todoist does, with smaller font.
  2. Tags could be searchable, maybe with a tags: prefix. More later.
  3. Searchable tags could accept special characters (@, _, &, etc)
  4. Tags could be part of the meta-data of the notes
  5. Saved searches could be a really good mechanism involving tags
  6. Suggestion of tag operations:
    • tags:tag1,tag2,tag3: presents results for notes with all those tags at same time
    • tags:tag1,+tag2,+tag3: presents results for all notes with one of the tags
    • tags:tag1,-tag2,tag3: presents all notes with tag1 AND tag3, except to the ones tagged also with tag2.
    • tags:tag1,-tag2,+tag3: presents all notes with tag1 OR tag3, except to the ones tagged also with tag2.
  7. Tags with special chars could make use of delimiters if needed, e.g. tags:"this tag" or tags:"-that"
  8. Exact matches are mandatory for tags search. tags:"this is" and tags:"this is not" should not return fuzzy results