Plugins install

Operating system


Joplin version


Sync target

File system

What issue do you have?

can't install plugins: connect ETIMEDOUT



@songdq welcome to the forum

According to an IP address lookup the address is GitHub on Microsoft Azure Southeast Asia, Singapore. Are you in a region where access to some GitHub URLs may be prevented?

If so, can you get to the GitHub page that lets you download the plugin manually?

thanks.but I can access github and download files through the browser. Why does this network problem occur? At the same time, the download from the official website cannot be downloaded.

The error you are getting suggests that Joplin is being prevented from connecting to the file download area of GitHub where the Joplin plugin files are located and so the connection request is timing out.

This could be because GitHub is being blocked or because Microsoft are having technical issues with Azure in Southeast Asia.

maybe, I was able to install and download it yesterday morning.But not in the afternoon.

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