Great, it works well! I wonder if it would be possible (or desirable) to have a single plugin that toggles various codemirror settings - e.g. I would also find the code-folding option interesting!
Is this the right place to ask about css for the line numbers? I'm trying to add space between the line numbers and the text. For me there is no margin between the text and the line number "bar" @uxamanda have you looked into this? You are the Joplin css wizard!
Ha, I appreciate the vote of confidence. Credit goes to the real wizard @dpoulton, who noticed that the plugins cannot access the custom CSS. Looks like they were working on a solution, but I think the plugin dev would have to implement. Plugin: Note Tabs - #122 by dpoulton
Actually these styles can be changed via the userchrome.css. Because this plugin only enables a feature of the CodeMirror editor. I am using the following snippet in my userchrome.css:
Is it possible that this plugin is not working with the latest update? I am now using Joplin 2.3.5 and version 1.0.0 of this plugin. I'm not seeing the numbers anymore.
Will publish on the npm registry/joplin repository tomorrow (I made a mistake while publishing on npm and had to delete it. Now npm requires me to wait for 24 hours before publishing)