Plugin: Recipe Scaler

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:balance_scale: Scale recipes up/down to any desired serving count
:sparkles: Display helpful information with beautiful recipe cards

Now that this is published, I'll probably be taking a break from it for a while to focus on other projects (unless there is any serious bugs I need to patch out). However, if I were to develop it further, this is on my list of things to add/improve:

  • Remove the need for a 'Scale Recipe' button in the toolbar. Have recipes scale automatically as soon as any of the associated values in the note are updated.
  • Auto format recipes by inserting { } and < > where applicable.
  • Add configuration that enables the user to adjust the default recipe card color (currently the orange used in the Recipe Scaler icon) and to turn off/on the "Auto format" feature mentioned above.
  • Mobile version.

This is something that I would never need, however I'm so happy to see it added to the Joplin ecosystem. I'm sure there are lots of people who use Joplin for keeping recipes that will find this helpful.

Thanks for all your hard work and sharing this with the community!


Thanks for the kind words!

I just thoroughly hate recipe websites. They always have a memoir-esque 6-paragraph backstory about whoever posted the recipe and they are infested with banner ads and auto-playing videos. Storing my recipes in Joplin has changed the game for me and I hope I can help spread that convenience to others.

I doubt a lot of people will need this plugin but I mainly made it for myself. Although, I think it would be cool to have a separate repo where users could submit royalty-free recipes in the format that this plugin works well with. It would be so cool to have a rich community-made Joplin cookbook. For now, though, that's just a pipe dream.


Very cool, I'll have to try this out

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I often use Excel to scale a recipe and this is a very good solution.
Usually I use the main ingredient wheight to scale it, but servings works too.
What if you add a tag to let the user decide to scale by serving or specific ingredient wheight?
Example: ingredient 1=1000g; scaled ingredient: 1500g
and scale the recipe accordingly?
Hope you find the time to develop it further.

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