Installed the Note Overview plugin. It looks great and I think it will help my note taking and organization.
However... how the heck do you create a note overview? I followed the directions on the Github page but it doesn't work. The notes say the WYSIWYG editor won't work for creating my overview... how do I not use that? I don't see any options for plaintext notes.
I've tried writing it in the markdown interface and creating a file in VSCode and importing it, neither works. Hoping for some direction!
<!-- note-overview-plugin
search: updated:day-14
fields: updated_time, title, notebook
alias: updated_time AS Last edit, title AS Title, notebook AS Notebook
sort: updated_time DESC
I've gotten it to work with some of the examples in the documentation but anything related to todos it doesn't populate in the page. This is what I have so far
<!-- note-overview-plugin
search: type:todo iscompleted:0
fields: todo_due, title, tags, body, notebook, created_time
alias: todo_due AS Due Date
sort: todo_due ASC
| Due Date | title | tags | body | notebook | created_time |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
I have a couple of notes in a separate notebook with open todo items but I cannot get them to show up in my overview. Anyone have any ideas?
Was the table block created by the plugin or from you by hand, because if it was created by the plugin, the plugin will not find notes with the search parameter
Please sue the following search in Joplin type:todo iscompleted:0, do you get any result?
Do you have todo notes, or do you use only the checkboxes in notes (These are not todos which can be searched like this)?
Have you changed any settings in the plugin settings, mainly under advanced?
I am using checkboxes in notes, not todo notes. Maybe I missed something but I thought it was searching my notes for checkbox items and returning them to form a list in the overview. If that is not the case then this plugin isn't what I am looking for as I am creating notes with action items in meetings and trying to populate a global list somewhere that I can see them all at once.