Onedrive sync error :write EPROTO 1723225464:error:100000f7:SSL

【platform】: windows

Joplin 2.1.8 (prod, win32)

Client ID: 1d7f70b0896b4a95addd6ff06a0aaaa8
Sync Version: 2
Profile Version: 39
Keychain Supported: Yes

Revision: 94ea177b7

【error info】 :

Please open the following URL in your browser to authenticate the application. The application will create a directory in "Apps/Joplin" and will only read and write files in this directory. It will have no access to any files outside this directory nor to any other personal data. No data will be shared with any third party.

request to Sign in to your account failed, reason: write EPROTO 1723225464:error:100000f7:SSL routines:OPENSSL_internal:WRONG_VERSION_NUMBER:../../third_party/boringssl/src/ssl/

Authentication was not completed (did not receive an authentication token).

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