Obsidian-excalidraw-plugin: A plugin to edit and view Excalidraw drawings in

I just noticed this plugin. Looks impressive.

The Obsidian-Excalidraw plugin integrates Excalidraw, a feature rich sketching tool, into Obsidian. You can store and edit Excalidraw files in your vault, you can embed drawings into your documents, and you can link to documents and other drawings to/and from Excalidraw. For a showcase of Excalidraw features, please read my blog post here and/or watch the videos below.

I have the Excalidraw plugin, but it's not working very well; this just seems to be another level.....
Anyone have experience with it?

have you tried this plugin ?

Yes, and also the Joplin Excalidraw(which does not work well :frowning: )
When I see the videos from the creator of the Obsidian-Excalidraw plugin, it looks well-integrated and feels part of the Obsidian.
I miss that in Joplin. It feels bolted together and not meant as a criticism as happy with Joplin.
Just sometimes see stuff over the fence that looks greener :slight_smile:
Excaildraw is just a really nice simple look.
Obsidian-Excalidraw plugin, looks like a well integrated tool.