After using Joplin for quite some time, I now have many sub-notebooks and I’d like an option to start Joplin with the notebook tree in the sidebar collapsed. It would also be really handy to have a menu item to collapse all / expand all by right clicking “Notebooks” in the sidebar.
If you manually collapse a higher level notebook then it will remember that for the next time you load so you dont have to keep doing it over and over. A un/collapse all could be nice in some usecases but for me the fact that it remembers makes it less of an issue.
I strongly support this feature request. I don't collapse manually the notebooks' hierarchy after I have found the note I was looking for, instead I use the information of the note for some other application and don't come back to Joplin until I need to search some other note quite probably unrelated to the previous search.
But then the hierarchy is expanded with many branches down a few levels. I need to search and collapse one by one the higher nodes to have a clearer view of which is the top level node where I have to start my search.
I collapse all feature would save a lot of time with this top level node search.
I have the same idea.
It would be interesting
Yes to this
How come no one thought about to include simple collapse, there are missing so many basic controls, which were used in programs since 1999 - I don't understand... It is very unproductive to use, so far I didn't find better alternative
Yes this will be a nice feature.