Is it a mockup or have you already implemented this? It should be all perfectly doable with CSS and can be easily distributed as a theme plugin (or literally just as a single css file unless there are additional fonts).
Hi everyone, hereby I like to share my macOS theme for Joplin v2.2.4 and above. Curious to hear what you think. Let me know if you run into any issues.
[macOS theme for Joplin]
Completely styled UI, including all controls,
Choose between light, dark, light with dark sidebar or auto (light/dark based on system preferences),
Use native icons (macOS only) or Phosphor icon family,
Easy to customise via Joplin preferences.
OhmineDT is a Joplin external CSS theme and and aims to provide you a better Markdown note-taking experience!
Github Repository of OhmineDT
Let's see what's OhmineDT brings you:
20 useful custom elements to improve your Joplin note-taking experience
35 useful switchers for quick customizing the theme
No more messy markdown table syntax
Well paragraph separation layout brings you the best screen reading experience
Split out the Non-Monospace and Monospace fonts for easily identifying the main…
Joplin White theme is in need of maintainers. If you are interested, contact @BeatLink
I've created a new White Theme plugin for use by joplin. It is based on and inspired by: GitHub - LongBay/Joplin-Light-Theme: A light theme for Joplin
It has the following features:
Uses white as much as possible (no dark or gray sidebars)
Customizable colors, icons, font sizes, list item heights and more
Implemented in plugin format for quick installation
CSS cleanup and refactoring
The sourc…
I even made my own overhaul once that I never did get around to finishing...
Personally I think the gradient on yours is a bit too much for me but thats just personal taste, if you want to make a theme then go for it.