New Simple Joplin's UI and UX by giteshsharma

3 posts were split to a new topic: Dashboard idea

I mostly agree with this @laurent post

I really like the layouts by @giteshsharma and would love to see them implemented. However, I am not fully convinced by any of them, but a mix between Layout B and Layout D looks very promising to my eyes.

Here are my thoughts:

These changes would allow the search bar to be moved left wise, and the parameters buttons (Dark/Light, Theme, Cogwheel and Layout/Display) to be moved to the top bar aligned right.

Also, having the search bar closer to the Notebooks and the Notelist would send the signal to the user that it is a global search, and not just a search for the inside of the note.


Hey @PureBasic,
RN I can't say anything but I will definitely give this a try.

Just one question
"Did you checked the layouts on Post 32 [Update 1] as well?"
If not, then check out them too because in previous layouts there are few things that I missed, like tags, back/forward buttons, so I tried to improve them in new mock-ups.

TBH I found them perfect previously but afterwards I found problems in them(Update 1's layout) and I m working on it, I will post [Update 2] soon

But before this I will gonna post a small poll with questions, so I can understand how people use few features because I don't use them much. Like tags

And here are other layouts that I tried.

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you use figma for making mockups, I’m thinking of learning it too, maybe adobeXD and tips?

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There are some fine ideas here. I hope at least some of them can be implemented.

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I will answer this question through DM, so other won’t get disturb.

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Hello @giteshsharma!
I looked at your other mockups. I liked 'classic changes (4).png) the most, but not sure if the note controls are well placed.
As for the style, well... whatever the layout, they all look gorgeous. Thank you :slight_smile:

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To continue the discussion about the toolbar. You should take a look at how the guys at Slite implemented it. It is swift.

  • The toolbar is shown on new lines.
  • A list of command is shown when you type /.
  • A formatting toolbar is shown when you select text.

Small Demo

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user is silenced for a week

Is there any progress on this? I don’t know about iOS, but the Android UI is in desperate need of a redesign, especially for landscape mode.

One of my devices, the Planet Computers Gemini, is a landscape device by design. Its integrated keyboard makes it an ideal device for note taking/editing, but ufortunately the design of the sidebar menu reduces the notebook list to barely 3 lines:

During more involved sync operations this gets reduced to just 2 lines:

And in extreem cases browsing the notebook list even becomes impossible:

From what I can tell these mock-ups would greatly reduce this problem. Even just moving the ‘New Notebook’ function to the ‘+’ button, and placing the ‘Configuration’ button in a more traditional Android 3-dots menu would free up some valuable screen real estate.

I’d love to see these design proposals adopted.

You can take a look here for updates on the mobile ui design. These are just mockups, so implementation is still a ways off.

Thanks for the link.

I’m aware these are just mock-ups and not actual design plans. These mock-ups, however, would greatly reduce the problems I’m experiencing on my Gemini. The severely reduced screen real estate makes scrolling through the notebook list very difficult; barely 3 lines of room to scroll just isn’t enough.

Combined with the auto save feature this has rendered Joplin nearly unusable for me, to the point that I’ve practically stopped using it, for I do 98% of my note editing on Android; I hardly ever use the desktop client.

the overall goal is to update mobile UI, so it is not only a suggestion

That too I was aware of.

I’m completely confused about what terminology I should use now to make clear that I understand, and always have, that 1) there are plans to come up with a new mobile UI, and 2) the designs by both @giteshsharma and @abogawat are mock-ups only that may or may not be used, whether fully or in part, in the final design.

My point was that the current version creates real usability issues in landscape mode, be it on my specific Gemini device, or other devices that support landscape. This includes anyone using their mobile phone in a stand in landscape mode, combined with a Bluetooth keyboard (as I used to do before getting the Gemini and Cosmo).

It also applies to newer devices such as the new Samsung Galaxy Fold, which supports running two separate apps, one on each half of the screen when the device is positioned in landscape mode. The amount of vertical screen real estate in this mode is even less than the average Android device in landscape mode, making a redesign of the UI for landscape use even more important.

So far the @giteshsharma proposals, and option 2 of the @abogawat proposals appear to do that, regardless of whether either of these designs will ever see the light of day.

he made suggestion as part of its GSoC application

and his folks are actually working on an UI update
Please make suggestion only on his proposals. If you want certain things from other mock-ups reflected in his proposal, just post it.

Nowhere in this thread has it been made clear that suggestions should only be made on @abogawat's proposals.

If @giteshsharma's proposals will not be considered and aren't up for discussion then perhaps this thread should be locked with a note to that extent. I responded to what has clearly been an ongoing discussion, with over 70 posts.

I will close this thread as I believe this proposal is no longer active. Please check this thread for the new proposal: New mobile UI explorations

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