Hello! I'm a little baby Linux user, simply trying to install local apps on my Chromebook.
I followed the Linux installation instructions provided on the official Joplin site and I opted to use the installation script they recommended for Linux as follows using the installation script provided (starting with: wget -O - )
Everything worked well except that the icon I see is the generic Linux penguin. Just as an FYI my Linux experience is pretty much limited to navigating directories in the terminal and copy/pasting from tutorials - any help is greatly appreciated!
Hi @beckye, the solution that worked for me is to download and save icons of different resolutions into the appropriate folders. It seems that the Joplin installation script only adds one icon for 512x512. For the taskbar, it needs the 256x256 one, and for the menu icon it probably depends on your display resolution, so I just saved all the available resolutions just to be safe. FYI, the menu icon would only update after a reboot.
You can download the appropriate icons from the official Github repository here.
Save the icons into ~/local/share/icons/hicolor.
For example, for the 256x256 icon, save this particular image as joplin.png and put it in the directory ~/local/share/icons/hicolor/256x256/apps/. If you can't find this directory, you need to "Show hidden files".