Markdown syntax highlighting doesn't work fine

Markdown editor doesn't recognize vue code fine (it works fine in Github & Gitlab)

The following snippet doesn't shown fine:

<script setup>
import { ref, computed } from 'vue'

let id = 0

const newTodo = ref('')
const hideCompleted = ref(false)
const todos = ref([
  { id: id++, text: 'Learn HTML', done: true },
  { id: id++, text: 'Learn JavaScript', done: true },
  { id: id++, text: 'Learn Vue', done: false }

const filteredTodos = computed(() => {
  return hideCompleted.value
    ? todos.value.filter((t) => !t.done)
    : todos.value

function addTodo() {
  todos.value.push({ id: id++, text: newTodo.value, done: false })
  newTodo.value = ''

function removeTodo(todo) {
  todos.value = todos.value.filter((t) => t !== todo)

  <form @submit.prevent="addTodo">
    <input v-model="newTodo">
    <button>Add Todo</button>
    <li v-for="todo in filteredTodos" :key="">
      <input type="checkbox" v-model="todo.done">
      <span :class="{ done: todo.done }">{{ todo.text }}</span>
      <button @click="removeTodo(todo)">X</button>
  <button @click="hideCompleted = !hideCompleted">
    {{ hideCompleted ? 'Show all' : 'Hide completed' }}

.done {
  text-decoration: line-through;

While the following shown fine!

<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue'

// give each todo a unique id
let id = 0

const newTodo = ref('')
const todos = ref([
  { id: id++, text: 'Learn HTML' },
  { id: id++, text: 'Learn JavaScript' },
  { id: id++, text: 'Learn Vue' }

function addTodo() {
  todos.value.push({ id: id++, text: newTodo.value })
  newTodo.value = ''

function removeTodo(todo) {
  todos.value = todos.value.filter((t) => t !== todo)

  <form @submit.prevent="addTodo">
    <input v-model="newTodo">
    <button>Add Todo</button>    
    <li v-for="todo in todos" :key="">
      {{ todo.text }}
      <button @click="removeTodo(todo)">X</button>

Its because two different syntax highlighting methods are used. The markdown editor is controlled by syntaxes directly in codemirror but the html preview is from highlight.js. I'm guessing in this case either highlight.js knows about vue or it it is highlighting it automatically as javascript where the markdown editor you explicitly say it is vue code on the code fence and it is unable to find a syntax to match that.

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