Markdown Prettier fix or alternative

The plug-in Markdown Prettier was really very useful with the old editor to quickly tidy a note, removing extra blank lines, trailing spaces etc. It no longer works with Code Mirror 6, is there any workaround to make it work with CodeMirror 6, or another way to do a similar job?

Greetings from Scotland

I've opened a pull request with a workaround.


Thank you

Feedback. With the merge of the fix, Markdown Prettier once again works without issue.

Markdown Prettier: 0.1.0

Joplin 3.1.15 (prod, linux)
Client ID: 615c7880d02145c5a89371d6264bdcb9
Sync Version: 3
Profile Version: 47
Keychain Supported: Yes
Revision: e5771a3

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