- The version you are using. LATEST VERSION is not a version number!
Joplin 2.6.10 (prod, linux)
Client ID: bcd706bf476240bf8d35352e6aaca494
Sync Version: 3
Profile Version: 41
Keychain Supported: No
Revision: 98fba37
If it is a sync issue, please let us know what you are syncing with.
Joplin Server in Docker on UnRaid -
The operating system you are using.
I was trying to decrypt my notes after reloading the OS and I was having difficulty remembering the password. I finally remembered after 10+ tries at getting it, and when it went to decrypt, it pulled down nothing, but says there are 23 items to decrypt. I tried syncing again, no change. I closed the app, reopened it, and still no change.
I then asked it to decrypt and still nothing. Now when I look at the server dashboard, it says that user has 19Kb of info and I know that can't be right. I haven't done any sort of backups on the postgresql DB, I haven't looked to see if there is a way to restore Docker container info or anything, but are all of the notes hosed?
I don't have a client that has a clean copy of the notes at this point, and I'm concerned about the other user I have for work notes.
Edit: Because I used Postgresql 14, it has some WAL files in the directory, so I may be able to do a playback of that, and not lose anything since I haven't added or changed anything with any of my users. I'll investigate that route, but if anyone else has any suggestions I'm open to them.
Also before anyone asks, I did have an export file but it was mistakenly nuked when I did my initial backup, and that's on me to have done a better job of taking care of it.