Ok, let's try it a different way, but please don't skip or mix steps
- copy your Joplin profile (that folder that's opens after clicking
open profile directory
) directory somewhere safe (~/Documents for example), - Make complete .jex export of all notes, put it somewhere safe as well
- go to Joplin settings > Syncronization > setup your sync target as dropbox account as usual > Show advanced settings > Push the button "Delete local data and re-download from sync target"
- This will reload the app and delete all the local data. But since we exported everything in step 1 and 2, it's okay.
- App will launch and sync should start. If it doesn't, push the sync button and setup the sync target process again if prompted
- Await patiently while sync is happening, it might take hours
- Once the sync is complete, tell us what've you got in the end, are there notes missing?