Lost 90% of my notes after switching synchronization targets

Ok, let's try it a different way, but please don't skip or mix steps

  1. copy your Joplin profile (that folder that's opens after clicking open profile directory) directory somewhere safe (~/Documents for example),
  2. Make complete .jex export of all notes, put it somewhere safe as well
  3. go to Joplin settings > Syncronization > setup your sync target as dropbox account as usual > Show advanced settings > Push the button "Delete local data and re-download from sync target"
  4. This will reload the app and delete all the local data. But since we exported everything in step 1 and 2, it's okay.
  5. App will launch and sync should start. If it doesn't, push the sync button and setup the sync target process again if prompted
  6. Await patiently while sync is happening, it might take hours
  7. Once the sync is complete, tell us what've you got in the end, are there notes missing?