Joplin Web API for Nextcloud


New user of Joplin, I try to get the "sharing note" feature working.
I've installed Joplin Web API (0.0.25) on Nextcloud 18.0.7

Nextcloud synchronization works like a charm. But when I try to share a note, I get:

Impossible de se connecter à l'appi Joplin pour Nextcloud. Veuillez vérifier la configuration. L'erreur complète était :

Unsupported WebDAV URL format: https://mydomain.tld/remote.php/dav/-files/julien/Documents/Joplin

(I don't understand why there is a minus sign here)

I get the same error message (without the minus sign) when I click "Check status" in the Options page.

What am I missing?

Thanks :slightly_smiling_face: