Joplin version / Profile version Document?

Is there a dev document anywhere that lists Joplin versions against their profile versions? When someone has an issue after upgrading it would be useful to see what versions they could initially downgrade to before falling foul of a profile mismatch fatal error.

We don't have this at the moment. Instead what we try to do is fix those pre-release issues as soon as possible so that reverting to a previous version is never necessary. Is there any particular issue at the moment that should be solved?

No, not at all. I was just helping out with this one and wondered if I could look up how many Joplin versions the user could go back before leaving profile version 46 (although the profile version is not the actual issue with this one).

In the past there have been support requests where it would have been handy to know with what Joplin version the profile version changed, so I just wondered if there was an existing document.