Joplin Server pre-release is now available

By the way if anyone's using Joplin Server Beta here, you might want to update to the latest version 2.0.4, which includes various bug fixes. More info in the changelog:

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I wonder if Joplin Server plans to save .resources (e.g. binary files) in filesystem in near future? My feeling tells me by saving lots of .pdf .jpg .png , moreover .mp3 .mp4 into database is not a good idea. Also I came across this blog warning about binary files on postgresql. So I ask if you may consider a filesystem option in dev roadmap? Best regards,


I would appreciate separate binary storage as well - having binary files outside of DB would improve server backup procedure - attachment in the notes usually don't change and backup process could ignore unchanged files. a DB file changes all the time and must me back up completely in one go every time.

What is the sync protocol used in Joplin server ?

Has the server some kind of logging? I tried to find logs in the docker container and database but found nothing.
I am getting a Internal Server Error on login to the server as well as no loading images when displaying shared notes and would like to investigate those problems.

When I run a check synchronization configuration I get the following error:

Error. Please check that URL, username, password, etc. are correct and that the sync target is accessible. The reported error was:

POST api/files/root/children: Unknown error (400): {"error":"Not allowed: POST "} (Code 400)

Has anyone seen this error before? Used the docker-compose.server.yml file. I have confirmed the URL, username, and password is correct. I'm not sure how to verify the sync target is accessible.

Are you by any chance using Joplin server? I used to get a similar error when I tried connecting to Joplin server v2 with Joplin client v1. See this: Major breaking change in coming Joplin Server 2.0

Yes I am. Thanks for the link I’ll check it out. I upgraded the server from 1.7 to 2.07.

  • Phil

Thank you for the link. I followed the steps outlined and the problem is fixed!

I adapted the steps in the docker file in a shell build script and that works for now.
I'm not the node/typscript guy so I'm wondering if there are not better npm commands to build all the required artifacts in a target dir without doing all the copy vodoo?
@laurent may you have a look on my ?

Only way currently is indeed to do like the Docker image, and for now I don't expect this to change.

Is that because the dependencies would be challenging to configure otherwise?

It's mostly because it's not really needed. I understand that some have their preferences on how things should be built and deployed, but we can't really support all this. You're always free to create your own scripts to make it work as you prefer though.

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No worries - it's working the same way like it does with the docker file.
I was wondering if it wouldn't be better to do all the build steps in the typescripts to avoid that file copy foo.
Building the app in advance (not during every docker startup) would speed up the container a lot but that could be done later when it's getting stabile.

If you shared an encrypted note using an URL, will it be decrypted by the URL viewer?

And if you share encrypted notes or a notebook to another user, will they need the decryption key?

When you share an encrypted note, it will be re-uploaded in a decrypted state. I would not recommend it for overly sensitive information, because anyone with the link will be able to view it.

If I decide to ushare the public note, will the unenceypted version of the note be deleted with its URL?

And can you share notebooks with certain people and have those notes encrypted at all times?

how does someone view the web shaed link without a web interface?

how do shared notes look like

@compgeniuses welcome to the forum

When you share a note in your client you are presented with a dialog that provides an ability to copy a shareable link.

The link is in the format https://<server_url>/shares/rGQNYAEv81zzOnAiYaMJKlY3PXgq1Acz

You provide that link to whoever wants it and when they enter it into a browser they see something like:

For the recipient it's a view only share, not an editable one.


Did a quick test here - a couple of feature ideas:

  1. Would be nice to have some features like to 'unshare' a note. So I can turn the encryption back on if I don't want to share the note any more.
  2. Time-limited sharing would be nice. I share a note and the pop up box gives me a sharing timescale, times up and the note sharing turns off.
  3. Filter notes by shared - would be nice to see what's shared and thus manage the sharing status for multiple notes.